Dear Worshippers,
Thank you for your continued support and understanding!
Weekly maintenance is complete, enjoy the smoother gameplay!
As a thank you, here's a special giveaway for you!:
-Coin x100000
-Milky Way Scroll x5
-Starshard Storage Ticket x10
-Soulmirror Storage Ticket x10
-Bloodpact Storage Ticket x10
After today's maintenance, we will perform maintenance once a month.
Also, please refer to below schedules of this update:
1. Gacha: Rise of Solar Prime
Duration: 7/16-8/6 02:00 (UTC-4)
Milky Way Leviathan (LT/ Light type) descends upon the Limboland with the power to sweep away all enemies!
This event gacha features a new form of the pick-up cast and soulmirrors.
10 consecutive summons will guarantee a 4-star or higher cast and a SR soul mirror!
2. Update on EX Evolution
Available casts this week:
Milky Way Leviathan
3. Milky Way Leviathan: Power-up Program
Duration:7/16-8/6 02:00 (UTC-4)
Good chance to power-up the new cast, let’s complete the missions for various rewards!
4. DEAD OR LOVE: Solar
Duration: 7/16-7/30 02:00 (UTC-4)
Complete the missions for various rewards!
5. Double Coin Drop
Duration:7/16-8/6 02:00 (UTC-4)
Treasure Raiders stages expanded with limited-time double drop rates. Don't miss out!
6. Garden of Mystery
Duration:7/30-8/13 02:00 (UTC-4)
Complete the missions for various rewards!
7. Adjustment of the sorting in Belphegor’s Store.
8. Department Store new floors & Wedding system at Fetish
Do you want to tie the knot with your beloved? Hurry and explore the shops on the new floors!
After acquiring the required materials, you can marry the following casts:
Milky Way Leviathan
Abyssal Prime Lucifer
Solar Prime Michael
Dragonbreath Satan
Moonlit Grace Sariel
Doomed Harbinger Belial
Envy Leviathan
Terpsichore Leviathan
Endearing Bride Leviathan
∞ Flamboyance ∞ Leviathan
Bumbling Love Leviathan
9. Bundle Update
I. Milky Way Leviathan SE Bundle: Once you have Milky Way Leviathan (regardless of gacha or store acquisition), you can purchase the seven-day login gift at a discounted price. You can get up to one Milky Way Leviathan Cast and one Bunrei!
II. Summoner SEASON: You have a chance to get Milky Way Leviathan UR and LR soulmirrors+, diamonds and other gifts by recharging any amount every day. Summoning in "Rise of Solar Prime" can be obtained Light Ex-Evolution Grimoire and Milky Way Leviathan exclusive Karma gifts.
III. EX-evolution DX bundle: Buy EX-evo materials at a cheaper CP value than ever before! After completing the designated tasks, you can also receive additional gifts such as the Bunrei selector of ∞ Flamboyance ∞ Leviathan and Bumbling Love Leviathan, EX Evolution Testament, soulmirror and soulmirror+ sets!
IV. The inventory master: After purchase, you will also become a warehouse webment master!
V. Fetish 14-Day Pass: After purchase, not only will you receive Milky Way Leviathan's Bunrei X2 and wedding materials, but you can also collect Shopping Ticket daily!
10. Gachas pick up schedule:
-Sins pick up
Duration: 7/16-7/30 04:00 (UTC-4)
★5 Endearing Bride Leviathan Probability: 2.0%
-Summon Selection pick up
Duration: 7/16-7/30 04:00 (UTC-4)
★5 ∞ Flamboyance ∞ Leviathan Probability: 2.0%
-Adventure Time EVO pick up
Duration: 7/16-7/30 04:00 (UTC-4)
★5 Terpsichore Leviathan Probability: 2.0%
-Void vs. Solar pick up
Duration: 7/23-8/6 04:00 (UTC-4)
★5 Solar Prime Michael Probability: 1.0%
-Starshard pick up
Duration: 7/23-8/6 04:00 (UTC-4)
★6 LR Pledge Starshard Probability: 0.5%
★5 LR Pledge Starshard Probability: 1.5%
★5 UR Pledge Starshard Probability: 1.0%
★4 UR Pledge Starshard Probability: 3.0%
※ The above probability does not include the probability of the 10-time Summon 10th Summon Rate.
-All star pick up
Duration: 7/30-8/13 04:00 (UTC-4)
★5 Pride Lucifer Probability: 1.0%
-Bloodpact pick up
Duration: 7/30-8/13 04:00 (UTC-4)
LR Pact of Battlecry Probability: 2.0%
UR Pact of Battlecry Probability: 4.0%
-Apocalypse pick up
Duration: 7/30-8/13 04:00 (UTC-4)
Apocalypse LR・Pride Probability: 1.2%
Apocalypse UR・Pride Probability: 2.4%